
Archive for September 1st, 2008

My garden is SO weedy….

….we found this!

about 3 feet away
JP (cameraman at this point) crept closer. The bunny never moved. This is 18″ away.
In your face!

Phil reached over and petted the bunny. So JP wanted to do that too. Sure enough he stayed still.

JP took the camera back inside. Then he returned to see if the bunny was still there.

And then JP suggested I go back in the house for the camera he had returned to its home.

He was holding the bunny!

Bunny wasn’t screeching or biting, just hanging out. And then … HURRY! He has fleas!!! As soon as I took this picture, the bunny was freed. Gloves were thrown in the driveway to air out.

However I worked on the front garden this afternoon (the areas in the shade) for an hour. Tomorrow I’m going to buy some mulch (is it available in September?) and maybe it won’t be so embarrassing.

I quit when my weeding got to the pile of bunny do-do. Yuck! (sorry mom!)

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